Monday, July 25, 2011

Ztoggle- Background wallpaper and Multitasking for iPhone 3G


Ztoogle is Cydia tweak that enables special features of iOS 4 on older iPhone and iPod touches that have been abandoned by Apple. Also Ztoggle brings some tweak on latest iPhone 4 model as well.

For iPhone 3G, we get background wallpaper and Multitasking thanks to Ztoggle. You can get Ztoggle thru BigBoss repo of Cydia.

1. Backgroud wallpaper

By enabling the Wallpaper option we get the option of selecting a background wallpaper. Mind you, we an option of selecting a different background wallpaper and a different lock screen thru Setting>Wallapaper.


2. Multitasking


By enabling multitasking in Ztoggle we get nearly the same multitasking feature as in iPhone 3GS/4. But now comes the bad medicine, iPhone 3G gets slow with multitasking enabled. Then we again you can alawys disable it. Best part YOU can decide if you want multitasking or not.

Ztoggle is courtesy of Razi. Many thanks to you. My iPhone 3G can now enjoy the important featueres of iOS 4.2.1

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